Meet Your MYO Faculty
See the people that make it happen day in and day out, and let us know if you're interested in joining our faculty
Founder and Artistic Director Emeritus
Betty Perry (1995-2015)
Current Faculty
Krystle Ford**, Director (2015-present)
Jordan Nelson**, Associate Director
Jeremy Anderson, Cello
Tyler Baker, Cello
Mitchell Ballester*, Bass
Sarah Binford, Cello
Chréstien Bottoms**, Violin
Aren Bucci**, Violin and Viola
Susan Chan, Viola
Shannon Crow, Violin and Viola
Annie Donato, Violin
Jennifer Farquhar*, Violin
Kati Harrison, Violin and Viola
James Highbaugh**, Violin
Eric Lakanen, Cello
Genevieve Miedema**, Cello
Pasha Miller**^, Violin
Sean Paree-Huff^, Bass
Kelisiah Skidmore**, Site Coordinator
*Current musicians of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra
**Alumni of MYO
^Butler University students
Interested in Joining the MYO Faculty?
The Metropolitan Youth Orchestra is seeking passionate and dynamic teachers to join our faculty. Candidates who apply and meet the qualifications will be contacted for a phone interview, followed by an in-person discussion. Final candidates will have the opportunity to showcase their teaching skills through teaching a lesson or conducting an ensemble.
For more information on open positions and qualifications, check out the job descriptions below. To apply, please send your resume and cover letter to