Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra Strategic Plan

Inspiring and uniting community
into the next century

Leading up to the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra’s 2030 centennial celebration, the ISO is excited to share our vision for a thriving orchestra that serves as the creative engine of our community. By adopting this strategic plan, the ISO will expand its capacity to serve Central Indiana for the next 100 years.

Sustainability through Collaboration

The Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra will enter its second century in 2030 with a vision to be a dynamic and unifying leader in the arts, serving this community by creating inspiring, innovative, and accessible musical and educational experiences. Through investments in innovative and collaborative programming while providing resources to build organizational capacity, the orchestra will ensure long-term sustainability.

Strategic Plan Goals

Deepening connections to the community through education and engagement programs that respond to community needs will enable the orchestra to grow audiences while reflecting the vibrancy and diversity of the community it serves. Improving the home of the ISO, Hilbert Circle Theatre, to make it more welcoming and accessible to guests and performers will put the ISO at the center of a vibrant and growing downtown.  Three areas of focus and seven key goals emerge from these shared aspirations:

Innovate, collaborate, and strengthen capacity

  • Expand audiences by investing in innovative programming and marketing.
  • Develop artistic partnerships to grow the orchestra’s reach.
  • Build organizational capacity to achieve long-term sustainability.

Prioritize community engagement and advocacy

  • Position the ISO as a leader in the arts.
  • Heighten impact of education and community engagement.
  • Embrace and amplify the vibrancy of our diverse community.

Improve our facility

Modernize Hilbert Circle Theatre to enhance the experience for guests, community partners and artists.

Read the ISO's Strategic Plan

Download the Strategic Plan