
Music of Monkey's Jungle Jam

Monkeys Jungle Jam Book

Dark Orange Note Icon1.“…the morning sunrise.”

Red Note Icon2. “…breeze with its songs​.”

Movement: Reach up high – form a tree. Swish and sway in the breeze.

Dark Blue Note Icon3. “…that had not finished yet.”

Movement: Creep along in slow motion to sloth’s sleepy potion.

Pink Note Icon4. “…announced afternoon showers”

Movement: Wiggle fingers up high. Drizzle rain from the sky.

Purple Note Icon5. “…his snare drum.”

Movement: Jump up from the ground when you hear the drum sound.

Orange Note Icon6. “…with clackity-clacks.”

Movement: Try clapping along to the xylophone song.

Teal Note Icon7. “…fine Stradivarius cello.”

Movement: Listen with ears as a sweet song appears.

Gray Note Icon8. “…to the snap of her bass.”

Movement: Snap fingers, tap feet, to the jazzy bass beat.

Lavender Note Icon9. “…smooth as her fur.”

Movement: Snap fingers, tap feet, to the jazzy bass beat.

Black Note Icon10. “…jumbly-jam mess!”

Yellow Note Icon11. “…just chirped out his beat…”

Yellow Note Icon12. “…Jungle Jam now had ten.”

Movement: Hurray! Dance and move to the Jungle Jam groove!

Rainbow Note Icon13. Full Performance!

Rainbow Note Icon14. Full Performance with James Beckel!

Here’s another read along version with music by James Beckel. As a composer, he used his imagination to create brand new music that goes with the story!

Meet the Musicians Behind Monkey’s Jungle Jam!

Roger Roe – English Horn
Rebecca Price Arrensen – Piccolo
Samuel Rothstein – Bass Clarinet
Cathryn Gross – E-flat Clarinet
Pedro Fernandez – Percussion
Ju-Fang Liu – Bass
Jung-Hsuan (Rachel) Ko – Cello
Victoria Kintner Griswold – Violin