
Exchange Policy

Subscriber Exchange Policy

IU Health Plans Evening Classical Series, Printing Partners Pops SeriesCoffee Classical SeriesCoffee Pops Series, and Bank of America Film Series subscribers may exchange their tickets for any other subscription concert at the Hilbert Circle Theatre without an exchange fee, subject to availability. However, any difference in ticket price will result in an upgrade charge for each ticket.

If any exchange results in a seat of greater value, you will be charged the difference in price. Refunds are not available for exchanges into seats of lesser value. Exchanges are not valid for Special Events and Presentations, AES Indiana Yuletide Celebration, Kroger Symphony on the Prairie, Uncharted Series, or non-ISO events.

Artists, program and dates subject to change.

Single Ticket Exchange Policy

IU Health Plans Evening Classical Series, Printing Partners Pops SeriesCoffee Classical SeriesCoffee Pops Series, and Bank of America Film Series ticket holders may exchange their tickets for any other regular season concert at the Hilbert Circle Theatre without an exchange fee, subject to availability. However, any difference in ticket price will result in an upgrade charge for each ticket.

If any exchange results in a seat of greater value, you will be charged the difference in price. Refunds are not available for exchanges into seats of lesser value. Exchanges are not valid for Special Events and Presentations, AES Indiana Yuletide Celebration, Kroger Symphony on the Prairie, Uncharted Series, or non-ISO events.

Kroger Symphony on the Prairie ticket holders may exchange tickets for other concerts within the Symphony on the Prairie Series up until the concert start time by emailing No exchange fee will be charged; however, any difference in ticket price will result in an upgrade charge for each ticket.

Artists, program and dates subject to change.

**Kroger Symphony on the Prairie has a no-refund policy on all events. If a concert is canceled, tickets can be used for a future summer performance, and any table, parking, or ISO Sunset Lounge purchases can be exchanged into a future concert.**

Weather Policy

All concerts at the Hilbert Circle Theatre occur regardless of weather. Please plan your travel to and from the Hilbert Circle Theatre accordingly. No Refunds.

Ticket Donations

If you cannot use your tickets, you may also return them to the Box Office as a ticket donation. Tickets must be returned at least one hour prior to the concert. Tickets donated must be tickets that the patron originally purchased from the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra through or the ISO Box Office (third parties excluded). Unused tickets may be tax deductible. You will be mailed a receipt.

All Hilbert Circle Theatre ticket sales are final and non-refundable unless the event is cancelled or rescheduled. Note: Artists, programs, prices and times are subject to change. Our cancellation policy can be found here.

To make an exchange or donate your tickets, contact the ISO Box Office at 317.639.4300 or visit us at 45 Monument Circle.
Box Office Hours: All months except December: Monday 10am-5pm, Tuesday 11am-5pm, Wed-Friday 10am-5pm and 2 hours before each performance. During December: Tuesday 11am-5pm, Wed-Friday 10am-5pm and 2 hours before each performance.