
Comps and Vouchers

All you need to know about redeeming your vouchers

Volunteer Vouchers

Thank you for your support for the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra! Performing nearly 200 performances each year at a world-class level would not be possible without your generous support of time and treasure.

To redeem your volunteer voucher, please contact the Hilbert Circle Theatre box office at 317.639.4300, Monday through Friday, 10:00AM – 5:00PM. Please have your voucher on hand when redeeming, as you will be asked for the several numbers located on the ticket. Seating will be made at the discretion of the Box Office.*

Volunteer vouchers may be redeemed for the following performances:

  • Evening Classical
  • Coffee Classical

For Kroger Symphony on the Prairie performances**, trade your HCT vouchers for either tickets or SOTP vouchers. Any unused SOTP vouchers can be traded in at 1 to 1 for a voucher to HCT performances at the end of the season. Any unused tickets cannot be traded back to a voucher.

Volunteer Vouchers are redeemable for Main Floor and 2nd Mezzanine.

Subscription Vouchers

To redeem your subscription vouchers, please contact the Hilbert Circle Theatre box office at 317.639.4300, Monday through Friday, 10:00AM-5:00PM. Please have your vouchers on hand when redeeming, as you may be asked for several numbers located on the ticket. Seating will be made at the discretion of the Box Office.

Subscription vouchers (Triplet, 4Pak, and SOD) may be redeemed for any performances in the following series:

  • DeHaan Evening Classical Series
  • Coffee Classical Series
  • Printing Partners Pops Series
  • Coffee Pops Series
  • Bank of America Film Series

Subscription vouchers are redeemable for all areas except Dress Circle.

*Seating is subject to availability. Volunteer vouchers cannot be used or exchanged for Special Events and Presentations, which include IPL Yuletide Celebration, Kroger Symphony on the Prairie, Stella Artois Happy Hour at the Symphony, ISO Film Series, or non-ISO events.

**Kroger Symphony on the Prairie has a no refund policy on all events. If a concert is canceled, tickets can be used for a future summer performance. Any table, parking, or ISO Sunset Lounge purchases can be exchanged into a future SOTP concert in the same season.  Subject to availability **